Caterina's Diary

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Why can't food be free

I think food should be free. Some families can’t afford good food, farmers could get more meat at once, the government could control food supplies and supermarkets could give out all the food.

If food was free all families would get enough to eat. No children would go to school hungry. Families could eat healthy food because fruit and vegetables are free. Also families would have more money to spend on other things. They could spend money on going overseas.

Food can be free all the time because farms get food from the farm. They don’t need to go all the way to town. It makes them stronger and fitter

The government can get lots of food because they normally live in town and they don’t need to have money for people that work. They will have lots of money for other stuff too.

Supermarket owners will make money from the government and they can get food from their shop when they need food, then they have lots of money for other stuff

As you read my essay I’m sure you now agree with me. My points about families, government, supermarket and farmers were so strong. Let’s make food be free!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

When Penny was gone

I had penny for wail and then I had to give her bark because Shayna. Her big horse had a sore foot so we gave penny bark and I had my last rid on her and then we put her in the horse float and went it was sad. They got her bark because she wonted to go to the zone games. I am going to get her bark at the end of much. Then I am going to a show and it will be hard to get a saddle. Roma is going to the show to and it is going to be fun and it is on April the 19 I have 5 robins at the moment I am going to go to my fist one day event it is going to be fun and I am on lend rain. When Penny was gone I felt sad I am going to get her bark soon.

Monday, March 03, 2008

My trip to Christchurch

It In the holidays I went on a trip to Christchurch. We woke up and got packed and started to go. We went to the ferry and went up a ramp. Then we got out of the car and went up some steps to sit down. We waited for a wee while then the ferry started moving. Then a movie came on. It was Nancy Drew and then Spy Kids 2 played too. Then me and Nina went out side it was wined we went up top it was really wined up there. When we got there we went down the steps to the car and drove out of the friar and went to granny and gapers when we got there was only granny there .because gaper was out with some or owe cousins so we stayed with gunny for a fur knights then the nest day Grandpa came home with some of our cousins. They came home and stayed with us for one night and in the morning they woke us up and said good bye and went to the airport and fly to Texas .then we went to the beach and had a swim it was fun we stayed with a Them for a week. At the end of the week we drove to Blenheim and we sow a bush fire on the way. Then we kept on diving and got to the ferry and went to Wellington stayed at aunty K’s for a night and in the mooning we went home.